The American Liberation Organization was created in the City of Alexandria, Louisiana by Eddie Joe Bush in July, 2013. Then it was simply a solitary voice against state and federal government tyranny. Since then, he's reinvented the site to focus on the militia history of the United States of America. Now, TALO is a place in cyber space that presents that history from a new (intriguing and controversial) Church and State perspective.
Accordingly, this website offers the public a free "United States Government In A Nutshell" online militia history course. And "Church and State" articles that help you understand their true meaning. To review and access all the information this website offers scroll down to the footer below and choose. Thanks for coming.
Accordingly, this website offers the public a free "United States Government In A Nutshell" online militia history course. And "Church and State" articles that help you understand their true meaning. To review and access all the information this website offers scroll down to the footer below and choose. Thanks for coming.